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페트리 접시

AQUAPMO for livestock

Aquapmo Grizim 

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Aquapmo Grizim reduces odor from livestock wastewater
and pig farms.

- Liquid fertilizer production through management of liquid fertilizer storage tank
- Activation of liquefied compost from solid sludge increases the value of fertilizer and promotes the growth of farm plants.
- Reduces highly toxic and unpleasant odors (ammonia, mercaptan hydrogen sulfide) within 1-2 weeks.
- Spreading of manure is also possible on farmland adjacent to the village.
- By reducing toxic gases in the house, there is no need to ventilate frequently, reducing heating costs and preventing stress.
   Expected weight gain effect
- Increase livestock immunity and provide a hygienic environment
- Increased storage capacity of sewage tank by reducing decomposition of solids
- The powder solidifies and there is no scum, so pumping is easy. When sprayed as liquid fertilizer, it easily seeps into the soil.
- Removal of pest larvae and eggs and prevention of disease transmission by flies and mosquitoes
- Effect of removing stuck solids from the inside of the money box
- It is a substance that controls harmful bacteria in the host of viruses that transmit diseases and allows beneficial bacteria and fermentation microorganisms to dominate.

Biopolymer decomposition enzyme secreted by microorganisms included in PMO

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